November 22, 2013

When to Use Google Disavow Tool?

disavow tools

In a recently published webmaster video, Matt Cutts Google’s head of search spam team indicate few points of when to use disavow tool. Here the points are mentioned below:

1.  When you get a manual action.
2.  Webmasters won't remove the bad links to your site or want to charge you to remove them.
3.  When you are worried about negative SEO.
4.  When you see links pointing to your site and you do not want to be associated with.
5.  When you saw a bulk link attack and are afraid it might hurt your site.
6.  When you are afraid someone will submit a spam report about you.
7.  When you see your rankings dropped and you think it has to do with an algorithm Google ran, i.e. Penguin algorithm.
8.  Links that cannot remove.

The Question was Asked:

"Should webmasters use the disavow tool, even if it is believed that no penalty has been applied? For example, if we believe 'Negative SEO' has been attempted, or spammy sites we have contacted have not removed links."

Here is the Video:

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About the Author :

Pritesh Chauhan owns a blog named SearchEngineNOS. He likes to share news about search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc), social media & technologies etc.

Follow him on Google+: +Pritesh Chauhan | Facebook: Pritesh Chauhan | Twitter: @searchenginenos.


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