Few days ago, one of the Forbes contributor Jayson DeMers published that SEO is dead, by saying that Google could not be manipulated longer.
Yesterday, another Forbes contributor Kelly Clay released an article post titled SEO is not Dead, Long Live SEO. She says that the world of SEO is even simpler and more lucrative that it has ever been. She highlights many important points in her articles.
Even a year ago so much of where you were in search results was a function of your inbound links, but Google has become more sensible to judge link authority, so that part of the equation is not less important. Instead, Google is focusing on nearly 200 page signals. These signals are much more difficult to detect, and therefore, not as obvious to most SEOs.
Black haters are finding new ways to manipulate these signals and arrange the system even more than they used to. These techniques work better than the old techniques of buying of links, or link farming, because there are fewer players.
Kelly says SEO is not dead by saying that there are still lots of people doing SEO and changing results. It may be harder to put up a total “splog” and rank, but the need to affect results between even local competitors means there is still a huge market for SEOs and it will be a long time before SEO dies, if ever.
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